Django-is-core’s documentation

Django-is-core is application/framework for simple development of a Information System. You will find that it is very simlar to django admin but there si several differences that justifies why we created own implementation.


  • Django-is-core has same detail/add/table views as admin, but it uses REST and AJAX call to achieve it. It adds easier usage and broaden usability.
  • Django-is-core can be used for creation only REST resources without UI.
  • Models UI (add/detail) is more linked together. Links between foreign keys are automatically added.
  • Django-is-core provides more posibilities for readonly fields. For example the fields defined only inside form can be readonly too.
  • Exports to xlsx, pdf, csv can be very simply add to table view.
  • Better permissions, for example link between objects is not added to UI if user does not have permission to see the object.
  • Add new custom view is for django admin nightmare. With django-is-core it is very easy.
  • Django-is-core views as implemented with using generic views not as method. It is cleaner and changes are simplier.
  • Add new model administration without its registration.
  • Better objects filters from UI (automatically respond to user typing) and coding (easier new filter implementation) perspective too.
  • Token authorization.
  • And much much more.